Amazing interactive card reading - Which picture are you drawn to the most?

Take a deep breath and calmly look at the pictures of these cards for a brief moment. Which one of these are you drawn to the most?  :) 

*************** REVEAL *****************

1…You’ve been very hard on yourself lately, using harsh words toward yourself verbally or mentally. While it’s healthy to hold yourself up to high standards, this card says that you’ve bordered on self-abuse! Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s normal to feel regret occasionally. What’s important, though, is how you handle these mistakes. As you focus on your positive attributes, your self-esteem will increase and your stress level will be diminished. Remember that guilt is the opposite of love. Your guilt doesn’t help anyone or anything, but your Divine love helps everyone, everywhere! Affirm: “I ask that all effects of my mistakes be undone in all directions of time, and I now release all guilt completely. I love my true self, from top to bottom.”

2…This card asks you to slow down, rest and be very gentle with yourself right now. Can you cancel your appointments today (or for part of the day) and take a nap? By drawing this card, you’re urged to let go of unnecessary activities, and to focus on self-renewal. Give yourself a hug, look in the mirror and say, I love you, I promise to treat you with the respect and care that you deserve. You’re wonderful! No rushing or time urgency is allowed today! This is a day of sweet kindness, where you treat yourself as gently as a baby cradled in your arms.

3…You’ve endured storms over rough seas, but now the way is clear and smooth. From here on in, you can expect the best. Wash away the negativity from your consciousness and past memories, and keep only the positive lessons and love. Don’t hang on to anything that could weigh you down, such as resentment or bitterness. Let it go! If you’ve gone through patterns of negativity in the past, this is the time to affirm: “I now release the need to experience this life lesson. I extract whatever teachings I need to discover, and I move on to a life of harmonious and peaceful actions.” By pulling this card, you’ve turned a corner in your life, wherein your prayers and positive thoughts are delivering new rays of Divine light to illuminate your present and future.

4…Deep within your heart, you are aware of your healing abilities. Perhaps you have received feedback from others about the way that your words or touch have helped them heal. By drawing this card, you are urged to take your healing work to the next level. You are also asked to purify your diet and thoughts so that higher frequencies of healing energy can flow through you. By opening to the next level, you will notice a shift in people or situations that come to you for help. You may find the number of healing opportunities increasing, or your clients may display a greater understanding of spirituality. Heaven wishes to support your healing work completely. Of you would like to further your education, work in a healing centre, or increase your income, just ask and then be open to receiving.

5…Heaven is giving you important messages, and by drawing this card, you are asked to pay extra attention to them. Notice conversations you overhear, comments made to you by others, and inner feelings and thoughts. Look for common threads among the signs, as they are forms of guidance to help you manifest your divine purpose and desires. It’s not your imagination that heaven is sending you signs and divine guidance. Anytime you hear or feel something three or more times, especially within a short time period, its information worthy for your attention. These signs also give you feedback about your current belief system, since your thoughts attract mirroring experiences. Use these signs to heal beliefs that dishonour you, and swim in the direction that your guidance points you.

6…This card asks you to take a break from your harried schedule. Soaking or swimming in salty water creates a magical electrical energy shift in your body. The salt draws out emotional and physical toxins. Purchase sea salt from your local health-food store's spice section, and pour lots of the salt and fragrant essential oils into your warm bathwater. Be sure to immerse your chest and heart chakra under water as you soak in the tub in order to release toxic emotions. Burn a white candle near your bathtub. As you look at the flickering light, think about what you want. The white candlelight amplifies your thoughts and feelings, so think about your desires and not your fears. Let the saltwater wash away any doubts that could block your manifestation. Ask the candle to illuminate your mind with faith and positive expectations. Enjoy this relaxation time, and have faith that your prayers have been hear and are being answered.

7…As a result of all your prayers and manifestation work, you are now attracting synchronistic events. Those “chance meetings,” information that you just “happen” to receive, and other synchronicities are really answered prayers. By drawing this card, Heaven calls our attention to the synchronicity and serendipity happening in your life. The more you notice these magical events, the more they will occur for you. Even better, write them down in a journal as a way to stimulate more synchronicity in your life. You may already know that there are no coincidental or accidental occurrences. This card reflects your recent focus on positive thoughts, which are being directed toward your desires. Like a magical energy beam that can influence physical objects, your optimism and faith are reshaping your life into a masterpiece that reflects your higher self.

8…You’ve been blocking your manifestations due to deep-seated beliefs that you don’t deserve them. Manifestations aren’t rewards for good behaviour—they’re effects of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. When you allow yourself to receive, you help with God’s plan to demonstrate love everywhere. Accepting Heaven’s help isn’t just about you personally; it’s about allowing yourself to be helped so that you can help others. Accept good graciously, and affirm: “Thank you for gifts that have come to me now. I gratefully accept them for the good of all.”

9…Good work! You’ve been asking and praying for some big dreams to come true…and it’s working! Just like a gardener who has planted new seeds, you must have faith that your crops will push above the surface. Keep watering your dreams by taking the steps that make them flourish. This is a precious time for you and your dreams. you don’t have to strain or push to make them come true. You’ve already accomplished the major part of manifestation by asking and praying. Trust that heaven is helping you- just like a best friend would if you asked for their assistance. Your job is to have faith, listen for Divine guidance, and take action whenever you’re guided.

Article source: Destiny of the Soul

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6 comentários:

Jessica Lyles disse...

I got 6. It make sense in that I do have a very hectic schedule that i have been lucky to take a break from these last few days due to the holiday. The tarot card reading is very interesting i have seen many YouTube videos.

jadejennifer disse...

This was definitely an eye opener and maybe just the sign I needed to slow down a little. Think I may be taken on a few more projects that mentally possible to handle.

StrongIslandSocial disse...

Amazing interactive card reading - Which picture are you drawn to the most? - these are usually fun exercises to play. I like to see how close the answer resembles what I know to be true. Keshia Richmond

The Beauty flicks disse...

I selected 1 and omg its all true... I remember that affirmation, may this affirmation helps me

Shoni MunchTrip disse...

Interesting. I was drawn to two photos, so I read both. Spot on. :)

Dalene Ekirapa disse...

I picked card number 5 since it looked so peaceful and I'm glad you gave me the interpretation. Thank you.

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